Thursday, July 15, 2010

new days

Wow, it's been way over 2 years since I have blogged! I just read my last & only posts, and I'm glad I''m here now, and not there. It has been a good summer...I have been doing lots of things: reading (Outlander & the following books, they are SO long), gardening and planting; quilting!!! And computer stuff. omg, it's been 2 years since I had internet capability at home. And I am relishing it, sometimes till 2:30 a.m. Not very healthy, and I hope the mouse won't make my arm and wrist start hurting again. How does one keep their neck from aching?

I tried a chat room, what a waste. Language I didn't want to hear, had no idea what they were talking about. I would like to find a room of quilters, or at least "older" women?! Is there such a place? I guess I am lonely. I have been living alone for too long.