Tuesday, January 27, 2009

today's prooject

Today is Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why isn't it hard to remember 2009? Usually I have trouble putting down the new year, but not this time? Maybe because for so long I looked forward to having Bush out of the White House? Had a purple t-shirt DD brought from Texas, of all places, that said 1/20/09 The End of an Error!!
I love it!

Well, I am going to try to download pix of my current project. It is looking pretty good to me.

There it is! Yippee, except it is turned 90 degrees. It has lattice strips to go in and then a sawtooth border. So that will be next to do. I am so excited about it. Finally, I feel like I am kind of on my way.

Mom has been sleeping all day. She will probably be awake all night. More later.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Vacation memories

When I went on vacation this past summer I drove with my daughter to Missouri, where I was born. We had a cabin at the Lake of the Ozarks. This is not the cabin we had. It was an old army barrack, and rustic is not the word for it! We had an out house, and a hammock. The approach to the lake was different too. There was dark mud, which I get a whiff of now and then, and it takes me back, to a simpler time. They say you can't go home, and I guess that's true, only in your memories, of which I have only a few of that time. I was only 4, the last time we went to the cabin; we moved to CA the following summer, and I never went back to MO until 1990, when we had a family reunion. We went to the Lake but didn't try to find the cabin. I wonder who lived there at that time. This summer, I went to the county seat, a small town called Versailles, they call it Versayles, and got the address and directions. There are many little roads that run around the lake; it has many arms and our cabin was on one of the fingers. The terrain is very different from Lake County. The trees are tall, deciduous, ash, maple, hardwoods, and lush grass.
I was very excited when I found our old site, even though the cabin was gone, and a new one built. This cabin was probably as close in feeling to the one we had had as could be. I want to contact the owners, who live in Independence, and send them a picture of the one we had.
I wonder sometimes, if this is why I live in Clearlake...I have such a love of water. Maybe it is thanks to my early memories of the Ozarks. My roots are in Missouri. But I wonder where my life will be?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

new day, new blog

Today is Tuesday, a pretty day and a good day for thinking, or quilting! Yesterday was so warm I knew I should be outside enjoying it but instead I was inside, cutting up pieces of material! Go figure! No, that's wrong...it was Sunday that was so unseasonably warm, and that was a day I just kind of wandered around, trying to fit back into my life at the lake.
Today I am back in Napa, and hearing the TV in the kitchen with C-Span, and outside my daughter on her cell.
This seems kind of strange, just typing out my thoughts, wondering who would necessarily want to read them...I came across some old journals yesterday. I looked at them a little, and thought, I don't even want to read these.!! Change the date, and they all pretty much sound the same. INSANITY! Who was/is that person? I hope she went somewhere else!