Tuesday, January 13, 2009

new day, new blog

Today is Tuesday, a pretty day and a good day for thinking, or quilting! Yesterday was so warm I knew I should be outside enjoying it but instead I was inside, cutting up pieces of material! Go figure! No, that's wrong...it was Sunday that was so unseasonably warm, and that was a day I just kind of wandered around, trying to fit back into my life at the lake.
Today I am back in Napa, and hearing the TV in the kitchen with C-Span, and outside my daughter on her cell.
This seems kind of strange, just typing out my thoughts, wondering who would necessarily want to read them...I came across some old journals yesterday. I looked at them a little, and thought, I don't even want to read these.!! Change the date, and they all pretty much sound the same. INSANITY! Who was/is that person? I hope she went somewhere else!


  1. I've been journalling since 1998, sometimes copiously.Once in awhile I pick a date, say... January 13, 2009, and I re-read that date for a few years backward through time. Very illuminating. :0)

  2. Hi Fran! Welcome to Blogland - you'll be surprised who you meet here! I can't wait to see pictures......

  3. Hi ya, I too welcome you to "blogville"! Cutting fabric is soooo theraputic! Our War Won Ton was sooo good!
