Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom

Happy Birthday Mom,

I made her the chocolate cake we were going to have, and will ice it when it's done baking. Then Rayna and I will go to have Chinese food at the place we used to always get to go from. Then we'll light the candles, sing and blow out the candles. I guess it's sort of like an old-fashioned wake. Never done this before. The Memorial service is the 28th. I am crying, reading, loving my animals, talking to my friends, and wondering what the future holds. I am one of the unemployed now, with a seriously expensive mortgage. I am doing a day at a time, and trying to let go of fear. We have to have everything out of the house in a month, so repairs can get underway for selling. I was not ready for this.


  1. Good to hear from you. One day at a time is good. Loving animals and friends is good. Touching fabric is good too. :) Give yourself time GF...

  2. There's a time and a place for fear and grief and feeling overwhelmed, and this is it. Please don't beat yourself up for having normal feelings. Do anything and everything that sounds comforting and will feed your soul, and know you have a lot of people keeping you in their thoughts. ((((hugs))))
